“Helping people move into alignment with the desires of their soul”


I'm James Garside - a healing personal development coach and workshop facilitator. I came to this work on the other side of my own long-term existential crisis - feelings of disillusionment at the contribution my career in advertising was making to society, and the lingering shame and self-criticism that told me I wasn’t ‘enough’.

After a painful breakup, losing my job and a subsequent breakdown, my deep pain drove me to explore every technique, workshop and healing modality I could get my hands on, in an attempt to overcome my own demons. Along the way, I realised that what I was truly seeking was more meaning and purpose in my life. And I now help to guide people who have come to the same realisation - that there’s more to this existence than just material success, but aren’t yet sure how to move into alignment with the desires of their soul.

My experience

  • Advanced Coaching Training

  • Certified Breath Coach for Nervous System Regulation

  • Intuitive Healer Facilitator Training

  • Trauma-informed Coaching Certificate

  • Mental Health First Aid training (MHFA England)

  • Diploma in Integration Psychotherapy (Graduating 2025)

I’ve also completed workshops and retreats in modern masculinity, masculine archetypes, Jungian shadow work, self-enquiry, healing shame and grief, Somatic Experiencing, nervous system regulation, self-love, sex, intimacy and connection, codependency, inner-child work, shamanic journeying, plant medicines, creating rituals for healing and change, sound therapy, Vipassana meditation, numerous men’s groups and healing communities.

MY Approach

Underpinning my approach is the belief that our modern culture has had us fixated on external symbols of value at the expense of our own innate wisdom. Part of the discomfort that so many of us feel is because, deep down, we know that what we truly desire does not align with the choices in front of us.

It takes practice and guidance to learn to hear, and trust, the voice within - it whispers underneath all our conditioning and a world vying for our attention 24/7. But when you truly understand your values and what you stand for, this voice will be the guide that leads your life and your relationships as you become the man you’re meant to be.

My job is simply to help you remember your voice.


7 days to a more meaningful life
Free COurse

A 30+ video course packed with tools that helped me get crystal clear on the man I want to be, and how to get there.

1-to-1 coaching - ‘Lead from the heart’

A 12-week, tailored coaching journey to find your inner guidance and let it lead you to a life full of meaning and purpose.


A bi-monthly Zoom drop-in for men to get things off our chests and out of our heads. All welcome.